Saturday, 13 February 2010

Prototypes & Martha

It's taken ages but at last
I have a new photo of Martha!!!
Usually as soon as she hears the camera
she's awake and trying to catch the strap.
Notice all the lovely pawprints everywhere??
That's Martha too.
I've never known a cat with such mucky paws!!!
At the moment we could be cleaning
the bath twice a day at least,
as she loves playing with the taps then
then walking all over it!!!
But she is so cute, she can get away
with almost anything .... awwww

I spotted this gorgeous handmade
quilt cover in one of my favourite
charity shops at the beginning of the week.
As we're trying to be frugal at the moment
I didn't buy it, but then I started to worry
about it being sold, so my hubby
went to get it for me the next day.
When I took it apart, I found the
Laura Ashley printed label on the edge,
then after ages researching
I found out it's called "Cressida"
I don't think it's sold here in the UK
(though I could be wrong)
except as ready-made items.

It's so pretty I couldn't resist making
this prototype with it

Now I just need to find the energy
to make some more while we still
have some cold weather !!!

With love and blessings in Christ
